We offer a wide range of structural steel installation. With our in house trucks and cranes making it easy for all domestic and small commercial sized jobs.
Larger scaled jobs are also a breeze, as access to cranes from 7 tonne to 170 tonne are just a phone call away.
We employ our own riggers and doggman, along with qualified and professional crane operators teaming up with our qualified welders and make the install go easy.
If you are after some on site welding then just give us a call, we can send out a qualified welder to you wherever you are.
No power on site, no problem, with all our trucks carrying a 3 phase diesel generator capable of running all the power needed to get the job done.
All on site welders are fully qualified and come equipped with all the tools need for the job in question.
Supply of any material need to complete the job are also available.
Pricing as follows, but may vary:
1x qualified boilermaker on site - $115.00 P/H (4 hour min charge)
3 phase generator - $45.00 P/H (1 hour min charge if needed)
Material supply quoted on request.
Our in house cranes are all truck mounted cranes, operated by qualified crane operators.
Our cranes include:
Tadano TM-ZE290 - Max reach 8.5m
Tadano TM-ZE360 - Max reach 11.9m
Larger cranes also available on request ranging from 7t - 170t cranes and franna cranes.