With our in house 420 DSA band saw capable of cutting up to 610mmX410mm, along with our in house cold saws all your cutting needs can be done on the spot.
All saws are capable of cutting mitres up to 45 degree also.
With our in house drill lines adding holes to your beams, column or angles is a breeze.
Capable of drilling holes from 3mm-40mm
Counter sinking can also be done if needed.
With our in house 80 tonne and 55 tonne punchers, adding holes to your plates is easy. Capable of punching multiple sizes of round, square and elongated holes in all flat plates.
Bending plate is easy with our hydraulic press capable of bending plate up to 300mm wide by 16mm thick.



Our in house folder can fold any sheet up to 3mm thick and MAX 2400mm wide.
Same day folding is also an option if needed in a hurry.

Our in house notches and shearers are capable of cutting up to 40mm thick plate. Along with our plasma cutting for beam notches and mitres.
Plasma CNC cutting also available for bulk plate processing.

Our in house section rollers are capable of rolling SHS, RHS and CHS up to 50mm
Flat bar up to 100mm.
Solid Bar
Square Bar